Case Study
How our product Trinity optimises the planning of integrated campaigns for Human Care Professionals
Our clients were the global marketing and medical departments in the company. They called us because they were at a crossroads and looking for the right solution to deal with an intriguing problem: local teams do not have a good understanding of how to use global content to create integrated campaigns that have the desired effect with healthcare professionals and patients.
In most cases, content is localised, provided to physicians by email, or shown during an F2F meeting, but there is no good understanding of how individual materials can be interwoven in a campaign that may include from five to seven touchpoints (virtual and F2F).
Requst a demo67 %
of targeted customers who recall hearing or seeing at least 7 out of 10 promoted messages
The issue we must address
- Our client has a large number of materials – articles, email campaigns, videos with experts, videos with patients, brochures, web content, CVAs, Podcasts, etc.
- Local teams have this content at their disposal, they localise it but use it for standalone communication.
- The teams do not plan the next steps after initiating an email campaign or setting up a meeting in the office of the medical professional. There are no plans to continue the conversation so as to achieve the desired outcome.
- It is often the case that inconsistent communication on the part of the sales force increases the confusion among customers.
- A solution needs to be found to enable local teams to use the available materials by linking them into an integrated campaign.
The solution
Our system Trinity was selected by our client to optimise the planning of integrated campaigns, both globally and locally. The transformation started with the global department. They began using Trinity to plan campaigns with up to seven touch points. Each campaign was structured to include up to four different communication channels.
Trinity enabled local teams to plan the entire two-month communication cycle starting with the group segment selection and customer needs. After feeding these metrics into the system, it generated relevant content distributed across sample campaigns. Local teams had the ability to modify the campaign, add additional touch points, set start and end dates, and schedule dates for each touch point.
Trinity enabled local marketers as well as the medical and sales force teams to combine all their communication touch points in a synergistic approach.
The planning tool wrapped all the brand’s communication and the medical communication for education purposes around the doctors and their patients making their decision journey smoother and easier.
Eight months after the start, the targeted doctors provided feedback via surveys and confirmed that the key messages disseminated by the company through different channels (events, webinars, F2F and email) resonated with them and made an impact in their day-to-day practice.
The integrated campaigns shortened the time spent by customers on making a decision on the treatment approach and reassured them regarding patient treatment success and positive outcomes.
Requst a demoCase Study metadata:
Customer:All Therapy Areas
Company size:~94 000 Empoyees