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Meet ADVISA. The advisory board platform, that makes collaboration seamless, convenient, and impactful.

Work on Your Schedule: We understand that life can be busy, which is why our platform allows scientists and experts to comment, vote, and exchange ideas on the topic at their convenience. Whether they are at their computer or on their mobile phone, users have the flexibility to engage whenever it suits them. Plus, all their work is automatically saved as they go along, ensuring their progress is never lost.

Get Acquainted: Building strong virtual connections with fellow scientists and expert colleagues is crucial for effective collaboration. In our profile section, users will find all the information they need to get to know their peers better. It's a great way to foster cooperation and enhance the advisory board experience.

Invite Your Peers: To ensure a comprehensive and relevant treatment consensus, we encourage users to invite their other expert colleagues to join the panel discussions. Their participation allows for diverse perspectives and a more robust decision-making process. Let them review the ongoing work and contribute to the collective wisdom.

Virtual Discussions: Engage in meaningful discussions and exchange ideas with fellow scientists and experts asynchronously. Comments and inputs from users play a vital role in shaping the direction of the advisory board. All contributions are meticulously summarized in our preliminary reports, which later evolve into structured publications, making users' insights a part of the broader conversation.

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