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Case Study

How NEO helped us optimise the planning, organisation and implementation of the most important congress for a key client


Our client, a pharmaceutical company, participates annually in a major congress attended by over 14,000 medical professionals in the field of reproductive health from around the world. 

This congress is a global event: it is attended by all drug manufacturers involved with assisting childless couples. As this is the most important event of the year, our client invests a lot of effort and time to plan all medical and customer engagement activities in a way that will bring the necessary impact for businesses, doctors and patients. 

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240 %
increase of virtual attendees compared to previous years
95 %
of all customers provided 4.9 out of 5 stars. 

The issues we must address 

  • Our client has a team of marketers, medical advisers and project managers who work on organising all activities related to participation in the congress; 
  • Coordination and communication between teams is difficult because all employees work remotely; 
  • The project manager has no previous experience with this particular congress. He has information on the effectiveness of previous activities but the information is not first-hand; 
  • Full documentation related to the results and achievements from participation in this congress in the previous three years is stored in the cloud but viewing and searching the material is quite difficult; 
  • Project managers feel uncertain when selecting activities as there are no clear KPIs for the results of omnichannel activities from previous years; 
  • Nine months before the start of the congress, our client contacted us and asked for our assistance for the creation of a software product to help plan all activities and to properly implement them. 

The solution 

Our system NEO was chosen by the client to optimise the planning, the work process and the entire implementation of activities. The upload of historical data was the first step in the implementation of the system. Following this, our product started generating insights with the right solutions for individual users. 


In a nutshell, here is what we did: 

  • We implemented the agile PM system NEO that guides users through every step of their congress planning and helps them collaborate with all team members and vendors via the same software solution; 
  • We added the NEO Event and Congress Landing Page Generation System that allows the team to start promoting their congress activities literally 15 minutes after they have been set up; 
  • We added the NEO Customised Event Agenda Solution to impress doctors by providing access to agendas that have been tailor-made to fulfil their needs; 
  • We added a Dashboard system that hosts all performance data and insights to allow the team to execute quick analyses. 



The team was really impressed with the outcomes: a 240% increase of virtual attendees compared to previous years. 

Congress activities earned a very high satisfaction rate – 95% of all customers provided 4.9 out of 5 stars. 

Project managers enjoyed the planning of activities for this key congress as they were guided by our smart system NEO that draws from a rich experience with more than 1,000 events and big congresses. 

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Case Study metadata:
Customer:All Therapy Areas
Company size:~5000 Empoyees